Valorant spike plant sound
Valorant spike plant sound


This is part of a pattern of Duelists superseding more utility-focused Agents that we will continue to look at in the future. We’ve found that the result of that change was that Jett became a substitute for the Controller role, and reasonably aggressive teams could make use of her Cloudburst smokes to quickly take space without relying on a dedicated Controller.


In Patch 1.0, we increased Jett’s smoke duration to 7 seconds (from the then 4 seconds), and we are partially undoing that now. In a continuation of the Controller changes from Patch 2.0, we felt it was important to consider Jett’s smokes as well.


  • Read more: Best Competitive Games 2021 | What to play right now AGENT UPDATES – Valorant update 2.01 patch notes JETT Smoke duration decreased 7 > 4.5.
  • This angle is still safe from the A Tower, however you can now successfully clear this spot by stepping out onto the Rafters without having to drop down towards site.Īdjusted wall depth near Screens, which allows you to move out of Screens more safely without the use of utility
  • This allows the back corner to be cleared slightly earlier from attackers.
  • This change should increase the value of controlling A Ramps.
  • valorant spike plant sound

    Increased the width of the doorway to A Tower and reduced safety of defenders in A Tower Reduce depth of cubby in Sewer to allow pushing through this space more safely This should make the map feel more open and allow you to push through and clear this area without having to rely as heavily on utility.The new sloped wall also protects you from wall penetration coming from Mid.Increased the width of the Vent Room entranceĪdded a sloped wall in the Vent Room, which removes a 50/50 check when entering Vents from Mid Removed this cubby near defender spawn to allow pushing through this area more safely Reduced depth of this corner to allow pushing into defender spawn with more safety This also breaks up a vertical 50/50 angle when peeking into the site from B Main.

    valorant spike plant sound

    New material stack for cover in B Site that allows you to isolate angles more effectively

    valorant spike plant sound

    This allows a new Spike plant location for attackers to defend from within B Main.This creates a new angle into B Main when standing on the new object.On top of the changes to B Main, there is an additional trash pile placed in the corner to prevent defenders from hiding in too deep a nook There is a crate for attackers to utilize on the other side of the doorways as cover, which allows for utility to be thrown into the site from a new angle. This should make the space easier to navigate for attackers, and make it more difficult for defenders to stall Attackers in the choke point.Increased the width of the B Main doorway This Split update is focused around improving attacker options on the map, as well as reducing 50/50 checks, the depth of certain corners, and opening specific areas on the map by increasing chokepoint widths.

    Valorant spike plant sound